SHOCK.NINJA absoultely loves shock websties, shock videos and all things shocking. However there definitely comes a point where things that are shocking and can be moved passed changes into things that are NSFL (Not Safe For Life) and will likely traumatize, upset and in more horrific circumstances lead you to taking your own or someone elses life. That is where SHOCK.NINJA draws the line. Don't get me wrong, other brutal content is out there and can be found with relative ease, however SHOCK.NINJA absolutely will NOT link you to that material.

Regularly I found myslef personally enjoying shock websites and looking for more sites to prank my friends, family and coworkers with. However where a lot of shock directorys go terribly wrong is crossing that line. Linking people, unknowing people, to content that is not shocking, but traumatizing and entirely NSFL. Now that for SHOCK.NINJA personally takes the fun out of finding more shock sites.

A shock site should be something that confronts someone or shocks someone into seeing something they thought they weren't going to see, and can still go about the rest of their day without being horrifically traumatized by the content. A NSFL site shows content that is horifically traumatizing and has way stepped past merely 'shocking' the end user.

With that in mind, please feel safe to browse SHOCK.NINJA, knowing that we are a shock site, and stop at that. We are NOT a horrifically traumatizing NSFL linking site. And more over

What we will ABSOLUTELY NEVER EVER link to:

  • Death
  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Homicide
  • Suicide
  • Fighting
  • Domestic Violence
  • Violence Against Women
  • Violence Against Children
  • Animal Cruelty
  • Animal Slaughter
  • Torture
  • Beheadings
  • Glorified Inhumane Behaviour
  • Accidents
  • Motor Accidents
  • Workplace Accidents

About the only thing we do link to, that I personally can't stomach, are self mutilation videos such as the well known Pain Olympics. We link to this as a lot of shock sites out there are in some way self humiliatiing, self torture, self gratifying, etc. So drawing the line between Pain Olympics which was self done and other self done shock sites seem to be much harder line as to why we don't include them.

However drawing the line between self-mutiliation and lets say a beheading, well that's an obvious. One of those two most people are in agreeance is really fucked up (the beheading) and would not want to be seen as it would leave you feeling sick, upset and horrifically traumatized. Whereas the self-mutilation will likely leave you wondering "why the fuck did they do that" and have you closing the tab in mere micro-seconds. So as I've tried to point out and make abundantly clear, the content we link to aims to SHOCK, not traumatize horifically for the rest of your life.

Therefore, you should feel entirely safe clicking on any links we have on SHOCK.NINJA, knowing the content only aims to shock, we've personally watched it, and gathered it all together to save you and your buddies having to use other means to find SHOCK sites that will link to horrendous inhumane acts that are NSFL and will leave you footing the bill for therapy.

If for any reason you feel something we've linked to falls under NSFL as oppossed to SHOCKing, please feel free to get in touch ^Contact^

Happy Shockings,


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Nov 14th, 2015
By Jimbo McBaggins

Social Media

SHOCK.NINJA wants to penetrate your social life with such epic powerful jolts of shocking awesome that it ruptures your spleen. Go on, you know you want the penetration...

Ninja Newsletter of Shock

You want SHOCK.NINJA to haunt your dreams once every:

Awesome! Now give me your credit card details...ok, ok, just your email address then...

Timeframe. Check. Email. Check. SUBMIT Thanks!

  • Because let's be honest for a minute. These subscription emails are sent out in bulk to all subscribers of that tier and at no point does a human write the name, it's all machine babey! Plus you know those companies that email you like "Hi Nimrod," Well I feel sorry if any of you are walking around with the name Nimrod for starters. But alas, that in my mind is even more insulting and impersonal than leaving me the fuck alone from their targeted adveryising schtik and schpeel, and therefore if I feel that way, I know some of you sexy (and not so sexy, barf) mother fuckers will feel the same.
  • OK, if I was going to personally email you, your name would be just dandy Nimrod. In fact as you want the email to address you personally so badly, please CONTACT ME using the CONTACT FORM. Then each time we send out emails, I'll personally stop, write you out a nice personal email, addressing life, sharing the ups and downs of how my theoretical prosthetic ball has been handling all that delicious maple syrup I 've been lathering on my potentially heart stopping waffles each morning I wake up. Then I'll ask you how your life is going. I'll be sure to use CAPS as well with your name, NIMROD, to show you just how truly important you are to me, you know like BANKS and BILLS do when you get mail. I'll assume as you pay other people who write your name in CAPS you'll also be sure to pay me? Unicorn tears... Don't worry, I won't mind or hassle you with FINAL REMINDER emails if you fall short on your ability to pay me because you had to take up counselling with a psychiatrist because the plethora of personal tradgey I laid out in my personal emails was too much for you to handle Nimrod.OK, if I was going to personally email you, your name would be just dandy Nimrod. In fact as you want the email to address you personally so badly, please CONTACT ME using the CONTACT FORM. Then each time we send out emails, I'll personally stop, write you out a nice personal email, addressing life, sharing the ups and downs of how my theoretical prosthetic ball has been handling all that delicious maple syrup I 've been lathering on my potentially heart stopping waffles each morning I wake up. Then I'll ask you how your life is going. I'll be sure to use CAPS as well with your name, NIMROD, to show you just how truly important you are to me, you know like BANKS and BILLS do when you get mail. I'll assume as you pay other people who write your name in CAPS you'll also be sure to pay me? Unicorn tears... Don't worry, I won't mind or hassle you with FINAL REMINDER emails if you fall short on your ability to pay me because you had to take up counselling with a psychiatrist because the plethora of personal tradgey I laid out in my personal emails was too much for you to handle Nimrod.

Smiley Ninja Face.