What SHOCK.NINJA Will Never Ever Post

I thought it would be a good idea for our first blog entry to further touch on a little bit more of the about us - what we will never ever post.

When it comes to websites and linking you to certain sites, especially when it comes to websites that aim to shock your system in some way, I feel it important that the sneakery and hijinx of all thos eslippery back door links to this or that that are really just adverts aimed at earning the website an income, not only be put on hold, but put to rest. South Park recently did a few episodes, one could argue the entire premise of season 19 was behind this bastardy of ads and clickbait nonsense that have ruined what the www once was; a truly magical place where one could go and get away from all the noise screaming out of radios and television sets. However now, in 2015, late 2015, the absurdity of the ads and click bait have reached an epic proportion. It seems like now regular folk worldwide have adopted the www as their go to for everything, the goal seems to be from the companies end about getting the most clicks and ad revenue. While from the user end, our end, yours, my, the next door neighbors and lil'ol mary down the lane, to avoid ads and clicking. Sure, ads have always been around, but they were on more specific bullshit, like porn pop ups. Now you can read a headline for a natural disaster and end up clicking through five pages of pop ups before you realize it wasn't even the article, it was just linking you to the news story, so you've clicked for nothing. No reason, and in the process earned that website money. I once used ad blockers, hell I was ahead of the game back in 07 when Firefox was just coming into it's own, before even that became a bloated POS. I now don't use ad blockers, haven't for years. The more you browse the web, the more you become aware of what is an ad. Shit, I've got celebrites on Facebook, who I admire what they've achieved in their life who link to crap content. Maybe one out of every hundred links isn't clickbait. It annoys me, but I've become accustomed to it. So with ads like they are, and us posting shocking content, I feel it important to be clear about what we'll never ever post, so that current feeling we all experience of one minute here and the next minute in an entirely different world doesn't happen, especially because of the shocking nature. You can feel safe knowing that we'll never post you to things that are NSFL (Not Safe For Life). NSFL content can literally ruin your mind, your life and in the worst cases even make you take your own life. The difference between NSFL and shocking content can easily be seen. Shocking content will shock you, but there's a 99.99% chance you will still be able to sleep that night. Like seeing Hillary and Bill Clinton make sweet passionate love. Yuck. Shocks you, but you can move past it. Or at least eventually move past it, after many hours of counseling. NSFL content will fuck you up, there's a solid chance you might vomit, throw up, not be able to eat for days or weeks, not be able to sleep, hate life, hate people, question why you're even living, seek counselling, not get helped because the content was so traumatizing and then eventually kill yourself because you can't live with seeing that replay in your mind over and over again. There might be a good chance you've already seen some NSFL content thatnks to fuckheads on social media. One minute you're scrolling, childs birthday, wedding, news about solar energy, funny pet video, conspiracy video, rick roll, meme, life status about ex, then suddenly BAM, some fuck has posted in the middle of all that a picture or gif of a beheading, aftermath of a pet being brutally murdered, etc. Sick shit that will fuck you up. If you are one of those arseholes, seriously, FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU SO MUCH. Sure, by all means post that link, but REMOVE THE FUCKING PICTURE and type NSFL - EXTREMELY GRAPHIC BEHEADING or NSFL - DOG BEATEN TO DEATH. etc etc. It's common fucking courtesy. Sure I want to know sick shit out there happens, link me by all means, but before you traumatize me for life, give me a fucking warning, eh bro!? So now you clearly understand NSFL content can severely damage your life, please note that we won't post NSFL content on SHOCK.NINJA, not now, not ever. NSFL content includes: Death Murder Manslaughter Homicide Suicide Fighting Rape Domestic Violence Violence Against Women Violence Against Children Animal Beatings Animal Slaughter Torture Beheadings Glorified Inhumane Behaviour Accidents Motor Accidents Workplace Accidents There are 2 styles of shock websites we do however link to, 1. Self Mutiliation/Self-Accidental Mutilation Not Involving Death Theme Sites like Pain Olympics and Jar Squatter, both of which I personally can't stomach, are self mutilation videos. We link to this as a lot of shock sites out there are in some way self humiliating, self torture, self gratifying, etc. So drawing the line between Pain Olympics and something like losing a leg in a chainsaw accident, are two entirely different things. Pain Olympics was intentional and jarsquatter was and clearly had very real risk, so as a viewer we can move past them, However watching a guy accidentally fall off a ladder and saw his leg off, that would be much harder oto move past as it was not clearly the goal. So self-inflicted pain that isn't death or suicidal we find ~ok to link to, but just. If we get enough requests, we may revisit this category entirely down the track. 2. People/Animal sex videos where the animal wasn't murdered This one feels similar to the above. If the animal was ok after the video, and the person was using it for love, with love, then it is most definitely shocking and way wrong and out of the ordinary, but we can move past it. Just like Monkeys use frogs for sex and other animals fuck other animals, we can move past them, so I look at these like that. 2Friends1Fish is a great example. Again if we get enough requests I will revisit this category down the track. So with that knowledge known, please feel safe that anything you click on SHOCK.NINJA only serves to shock you. Not traumatize you for life like NSFL content. I sincerely hope you all enjoy and find some great shocks to share with your friends. If you have one we haven't got here, please shoot us a message, through social media or via the contact form on the contact us page, and we'll be happy to add it to the collection of awesome shock sites! Enjoy, SHOCK.NINJA Smiley Face

Nov 14th, 2025
By Shock.Ninja

Awesome Forgotten About Videos

Years ago, like back in '07, there was a ton of awesome content people could find. Before all the new age clickbait started. The time finding awesome things on the internet wasn't cut ion half by clickbait clicking. Recently I started cleaning our some old "random.txt" files or "downloaded net videos" or "old-bookmarks.htm" and found a ton of videos I'd completely forgotten about having viewed. Some of them are shocking, while others are more shocking to the poor victim in the video while bringing us much laughter. I thought I'd take this moment to share those videos as I personally feel the internet needs to go back to the days of old glorious fun. :) Enjoy Prank Vote. The prank vote guys were college guys from Canada. The whole idea was 2 of them were in to prank a third every week. They had a website you could vote to see what was going to happen to the poor third guy the following week. The best part is the laughter we all get why the third guy getting shocked likely fears for his life. Here's a playlist. Some of my personal favorites, Honey Cups. These are shocking in the best way, you never know what's coming. Kid With Hammer. I found this one way too funny back in the day. I mean we've all been there. People having fun, like blowing up balloons. Then that one kid sitting back watches. His Uncle in the corner tells him he can do it, he can blow the bigggest balloon, all the while ol'Uncle knows it's going to pop when it gets to big, but the kid sets out to be the biggest of them all. That familiar feeling gets summed up perfectly in this epic clip.

Nov 14th, 2025
By Shock.Ninja


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Nov 14th, 2015
By Jimbo McBaggins

Social Media

SHOCK.NINJA wants to penetrate your social life with such epic powerful jolts of shocking awesome that it ruptures your spleen. Go on, you know you want the penetration...

Ninja Newsletter of Shock

You want SHOCK.NINJA to haunt your dreams once every:

Awesome! Now give me your credit card details...ok, ok, just your email address then...

Timeframe. Check. Email. Check. SUBMIT Thanks!

  • Because let's be honest for a minute. These subscription emails are sent out in bulk to all subscribers of that tier and at no point does a human write the name, it's all machine babey! Plus you know those companies that email you like "Hi Nimrod," Well I feel sorry if any of you are walking around with the name Nimrod for starters. But alas, that in my mind is even more insulting and impersonal than leaving me the fuck alone from their targeted adveryising schtik and schpeel, and therefore if I feel that way, I know some of you sexy (and not so sexy, barf) mother fuckers will feel the same.
  • OK, if I was going to personally email you, your name would be just dandy Nimrod. In fact as you want the email to address you personally so badly, please CONTACT ME using the CONTACT FORM. Then each time we send out emails, I'll personally stop, write you out a nice personal email, addressing life, sharing the ups and downs of how my theoretical prosthetic ball has been handling all that delicious maple syrup I 've been lathering on my potentially heart stopping waffles each morning I wake up. Then I'll ask you how your life is going. I'll be sure to use CAPS as well with your name, NIMROD, to show you just how truly important you are to me, you know like BANKS and BILLS do when you get mail. I'll assume as you pay other people who write your name in CAPS you'll also be sure to pay me? Unicorn tears... Don't worry, I won't mind or hassle you with FINAL REMINDER emails if you fall short on your ability to pay me because you had to take up counselling with a psychiatrist because the plethora of personal tradgey I laid out in my personal emails was too much for you to handle Nimrod.OK, if I was going to personally email you, your name would be just dandy Nimrod. In fact as you want the email to address you personally so badly, please CONTACT ME using the CONTACT FORM. Then each time we send out emails, I'll personally stop, write you out a nice personal email, addressing life, sharing the ups and downs of how my theoretical prosthetic ball has been handling all that delicious maple syrup I 've been lathering on my potentially heart stopping waffles each morning I wake up. Then I'll ask you how your life is going. I'll be sure to use CAPS as well with your name, NIMROD, to show you just how truly important you are to me, you know like BANKS and BILLS do when you get mail. I'll assume as you pay other people who write your name in CAPS you'll also be sure to pay me? Unicorn tears... Don't worry, I won't mind or hassle you with FINAL REMINDER emails if you fall short on your ability to pay me because you had to take up counselling with a psychiatrist because the plethora of personal tradgey I laid out in my personal emails was too much for you to handle Nimrod.

Smiley Ninja Face.